About Techy Admin

Techy Admin

Thanks for visiting Techy Insights! This site is dedicated to other techs, admins and anyone interested in technology related to systems administration, tools of the trade and sharing knowledge and experiences in this industry. Of course, once in a while I will have other content that is technology related, but not necessarily work related. Techies need a diversion too now and then!

Some of the technology I review either overlaps or crosses over from the business or enterprise side of things to more end-user or consumer tech. Let’s face it, there is usually a consumer version of an enterprise app or tool that many of us are using outside of work. In my experience, there is always something to be learned from looking at these two sides of the coin, which helps me grow as a tech and therefore provide helpful content to my readers.

A Little Background…

I have been in the IT industry for over 20 years having taken quite a circuitous route to get there (that’s another story for another time…). During this period I can honestly say that I have never been bored on the job (not for any length of time, anyway) because the tech field in general and IT in particular are never static and always evolving, which is more than I can say about other professions I have tried prior to getting involved with technology and systems administration.

Of course there are challenges just like in any other field, but the main challenge, which I prefer to call opportunity, is to never stop learning. And that’s what keeps it fresh and interesting!

Growing And Thriving In The Tech World

Having come to a career in tech from a completely unrelated industry, I remember what it was like to have to learn on the job. Even though I did go back to school to earn a degree in IT, most of my practical knowledge was from being self-taught through my own trials and errors. And so there I was, thrown into “the lion’s den” where I was expected to solve real-world tech problems, provide support and guidance while learning valuable new skills.

As you might have already picked up on a theme here, learning and developing new skills, different ways of doing things, being creative with solutions you have to provide to a business are all things that I have come to appreciate in this field of work. It is through these experiences and interacting with others facing the same issues and challenges that I hope to give back a little to the community.

All the different technologies in our daily lives and as part of work can be wonderful, empowering and enriching experiences. But they can also be a source of frustration and at times simply overwhelming either due to the amount of information involved or the scope of work. This will depend on your point of view as I have learned over the years – being frustrated and overwhelmed or perceiving these problems as a challenge and an opportunity to learn new skills, establish relationships and grow.

Stronger Together

It is through these experiences (good or bad) that I hope to share some of what I have learned (and continue learning) in this industry. While there are many specializations within technology, my main take on things will be based on a broad spectrum since having to be a jack of all trades and a master of none is frequently what I am being tasked with.

In the tech industry it can be one of the most frustrating things to admit to yourself that you will never, ever learn or know everything there is to know in your field of expertise. That’s just the nature of tech, and you can either embrace the variety, opportunities to enrich your knowledge base and continue growing or keep looking in the rear-view mirror.

Sure, there are days when there are challenges that have been haunting you for a while with no immediate solution in sight. Those are the times when you learn about your own limitations and reaching out for ideas, advice or help within the community.

So it is with this goal in mind that I intend to share my experiences and those of others whose opinion I trust, which I hope will be helpful to some of you when it comes to practical matters in the world of tech.

I welcome your questions and comments as we embark on this journey together.

Stay techy out there,

Alex aka Techy Admin

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